- Name: Silvia Hoefnagels . Salix Tree
- Location: ...in the country, Ireland
My name is Silvia (also known as SalixTree ), I live in the Irish countryside. I write and illustrate children's books. I like to garden, cross stitch, crochet, and read fantasy books.
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Some cats like goth music
Tinkerbelle is technically the neighbor's cat. But she lives at our house. So I suppose we are Tinky's humans, yes?
Here's Tinkerbelle sitting at my computer. She is watching a goth video on YouTube, and seems to be enjoying it.
Tas sleeps in Molly's old slumbering spot in my art room. He has also taken to sitting on my lap now that Molly is gone, as does Tinkerbelle. But I still miss having my Molly sitting with me.
Pippin likes to be outside living the independent life. Here he is under the pussy willow.
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Those are sweet pictures of the cats and I guess Tinkerbelle is adopting you! I'm sorry about Molly.
I am so sorry about Molly. I lost my Sebastian no long agao.
I am sure Tink thinks she belongs to you ! I have the same plaid where Tas sleeps on ! I got it from Italy from my MIL. Pippin is a typical Irish or British cat ! My Pookie is from London and has the same pattern. Here in Belgium grey cats have spots and not stripes. People always think that Pookie is a special breed !
I love your photos, especially the last one. Mine love that sense of freedom and independence too. Then they come in for their dinner bowls and a nap, but they love pretending they are wild and free!
How sad that Tinky's family doesn't give him much attention but wonderful you guys share your home!
We have cats who enjoy electronic music, so why not gets enjoying Goth music as well? :)
What beauties! I totally love Pippin's markings. They are stunning.
Hmm.. Did a cat just adopt you? LOL. Well, it's great to have neighboring cats coming for a visit, provided they are clean. I have visitors at times but my Jess do not like them to step into the house.
Pippin looked great. He looked like a wild cat hiding behind some bushes waiting to ambush someone. Make sure you clean your feet though.. haha :P
Tinkerbelle is a cute. How funny she watches goth videos. Pippin is quite adorable on the grass. What neat stripes his fur has.
Tinkerbelle has been hypnotized
by the web like the rest of us!
Pippin is enjoying sweet spring
grass. Happy COT!
Such cuties! Mom says she misses Pussy Willows!
Cats loves music.
Our Cats loves Brazilian Music and music with a sound from Birds
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